Unit 2. Choosing ICT tool and developing/adapting OER

2.2 Choosing ICT tool for OER development/adaptation

During Assignment1  you have set the requirements for ICT tool. Now you have to find the tool which corresponds to these requirements. You can use the tools presented in chapter 2.1 or you to find another one. There are several methods of finding appropriate ICT tool for OER development/adaptation:

  • Use tools that you already know. Think about the tools that you already know for the development selected type of documents. Review "Requirements for ICT tool table" and think about their functionality. If you'll find the tool using this option you'll save your time, because you will not have to spend time getting know a new tool. If the tools that you already know do not meet your requirement or you want to gain experience using new ICT tool go to one of the further options.
  •  Use search engines (ex.: GoogleBingYahoo) to find ICT tools for selected type of OER development/adaptation. You can use advanced search option (ex.: Google Advanced Search) to enter your keywords. Use specific keyword phrases to locate the most relevant information.
  • Use Web 2.0 tools databases to find ICT tools for selected type of OER development/adaptation. Here are some examples of web 2.0 tools databases:

ICT tools in such databases usually are provided within the categories and this makes the search easier. In Picture 3 you can see the example of Web 2.0 tools database.

Picture 3. Go2Web20 web applications

Assignment 2 will help you to choose the ICT tool for OER development adaptation.

After you made the decision on the ICT tool that you will use for developing your OER and explored how to use it it is time to develop/adapt OER.