ICT tools to develop and adapt OER

Unit 3. Licensing OER using Creative Commons

3.1 Creative Commons licensing types

During Activity 3 you have developed your educational resource. In this chapter we will learn how to make it Open. The key to making your educational resource open is the License. Creative Commons is the most popular and easy to use licensing system for OER. Standard Copyright © license is very strict and is not suitable for OER which intention is to be Open and free to use, adapted and/or shared with other. That is why Creative Commons licenses are used to license OER's. Creative Commons changes standard "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved" where creator chooses how his work can be used.

In the following short video developed by Creative Commons you will learn about the rules of using materials available on the internet under Creative Commons licenses.

What is Creative Commons (video)

Or you can view slideshow Presentation about Creative Commons and licenses types to get the information about Creative Commons and licensing types:


There is six main licenses types which allows creators to publish their work, however if they are using someone else work and it is licensed as ShareAlike, they have to follow this and share their work with the same license type.