TOC: ICI -Project Proposal

TOC: ICI -Project Proposal

de Deleted user -
Number of replies: 5

Dear Dénes and @all,

I tried to follow the information on the project summary and came to the following idea and (first draft) proposal.

As I do not have an institutional mentor (my proposal is a "fake" one), I would like to invite the Nathalie to mentor me or to work together with me in order to enhance the proposal.

Of course, I would be grateful for all the comments and critiques.

Have a nice weekend,




Tutoring of Online Courses: Internationalisation and Cultural Issues

Initial spark

All those who integrate an eLearning development team should be aware of the inherent cultural challenges arising from  target international audience .

Even if the online course has an European audience, cultural diversity is present, not least because of the different native languages.


Instructional designer must be aware that it is crucial to design a “cultural accessible” course. Tutors assume the role of facilitating the course and will be in constant contact with the participants, each one of them, and the group. They should know how to overcome cultural (and idiomatic) challenges.

Our target public is composed by professionals of the educational field, instructional designers and eTutors.

It will mainly focus on the activities of the eTutor taking into account the cultural diversity.


The main project objective is to contribute to the awareness within the Higher Education and VET Institutions for cultural and multilingual issues implicit in online courses offered for an international audience.


Development and dissemination of training materials on

  • Instructional Design taking into account cultural issues

  • Tutoring of online courses in multicultural spaces

Estimated length

2 years


  • Coordinator: European University

  • Partners

    • 2 European Universities

    • 2 Vocational Education and Training Institutions

    • 1 Entity specialised in “edu-interculturality”


Own contribution: 20.000€

Community funds: 80.000€

Total: 100.000€


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Re: TOC: ICI -Project Proposal

de Deleted user -

Hello dear João!

I find the topic very interesting and challenging. My degree is on Language and Culture...tell  me can I join up with you and Nathalie?

Hoping and trusting on an affirmative answer...



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Re: TOC: ICI -Project Proposal

de Deleted user -

Hi Marina,

Sorry for the late reply. At the moment, I'm involved with another project and, even if I tried, I've no time to end this course. So, unfortunately, I've to wait for a next edition of it. Please, feel free to go on with the "TOC" project of mine.

Kind regards,


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Re: Collaboration on MJ ICI- Proposal Project

de Deleted user -

Hi Marina :)

I'm late. Sorry!

Searching still the deadline of the course, reading more carefully docs, thinking and weaving ideas, possibilities and so on, about the very interesting MJ ICI Proposal Project...

So, with this and others  precautions in mind (to much going on, establisment of priorities, the need of holidays and "refreschment"...) for me, it's, of course, a "go" and welcome on board :)

Talking soon,





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Re: TOC: ICI -Project Proposal

de Deleted user -

Dear MJoão :)

Woah! Whoa! Wuau! Such a interesting proposal! 

Sorry about my delay on the answer. I'm just really beginnig this course today...and i was thinking about drawing a proposal within the same theme ;)...

Even though i don't have in mind the deadline (aiee :D) and see/receive this course with the lens of a self-learning approach...Two or three thoughts :

- First, about "mentoring"... peer-to-peer collaboration is the only way i know better :), so "work together with me in order to enhance the proposal" seems perfect to me.

- Secondly, a question: Can we think about LE@D as the institucional frame-support-... of the project? Even if it isn't real?...

- Last but not least...about your last post...Can you stay upon it (although the others important-priority projects you have)? Even if it is only for give a standpoint, a say, an opinion or advice on your proposal creation?... And with Marina's collaboration, knowledge and perspective on board it seems a good and fun challenge, isn't it :)?

We are talking and learning about projects, planning,...for the instance and nothing more, right?

So let's go?... No under pressure, ok :)?

A nice week for all (four of us :D?)!



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Re: TOC: ICI -Project Proposal

de Dénes Zarka -

Dear Maria,

Looking at the summary I think it is very good. The e-tutoring is almost an endless topic, and intercultural aspect is more than relevant, as you can not control really who signs up to a n e-course.

During the delaled planning you will make some workpackages. That will be crucial to be able to judge the budget. (whether it is enough or not for the purpose)

I wish you a joyful planning!
