Unit 1. Characteristics of innovative curriculum for work based learning

Learning activity 6


Summary of the Activity

Learn how to build up a team and motivate its members during the workflow. How to know the characteristics of good working team.

Duration of the Activity

30 minutes

Aims of the Activity

This activity helps teachers how to build up a team and why this is necessary. Learners get to know characteristics of good working team.

Guidances for a proper performance of the Activity

Materials needed to perform the Activity

TeamMgmt_handout1 + TeamMgmt_handout2

Methodology to Implement and Develop the Activity

We suggest that you prepare a presentation of the theoretic input, either on ppt, flipchart or moderation wall. Try to visualize. After discussing the first part of this unit, you can hand out students the handout no. 1.

Handout 1: Building up a team:

  • The teacher gives a short theoretic input about how to build up a team and why the building process is very important for the project work. (teachers/trainers may look at handout page 1)
  • The teacher introduces the four phases of a team process and asks the learners, how good working team can be characterized.
  • Hand out handout no. 1

(20 Minutes)

Handout no. 2 can be delivered beforehand.

Handout 2: Motivating the team members

  • The teacher gives a short theoretic input about motivation remarking, that the outcome of the project is directly linked to the motivation of the project team members
  • The teacher makes clear, that motivation cannot be demanded, but can only be encouraged.
  • He / she introduces the four factors that influence motivation: desirability, feasibility, progress, and reward and makes clear, that these factors have to be addressed individually for each student

(10 Minutes)

Guidance once the activity is over

This activity is addressed to the teachers to be implemented with their students.

Assessment of the Activity
