Unit 1. Characteristics of innovative curriculum for work based learning

Learning activity 2


Summary of the Activity

Introducing the method of work based learning

Duration of the Activity

30 minutes

Aims of the Activity

In this activity teacher/trainers will work with students on:

  • The introduction to the topic

  • Opening their minds to a new form of learning

Guidances for a proper performance of the Activity

Materials needed to perform the Activity

Handout (ProcessMgmt_handout1)

Methodology to Implement and Develop the Activity

Steps for teachers:

  • Raise questions addressed to students:
  • What do you think project work means?
  • In your opinion what is the aim of project work?
  • What should be considered as strengths or weaknesses of project work?
  • Do you think project work is fun? Why (not)?
  • Do you think project work is a good way of learning? Why (not)?
  • Document all answers on the flipchart.
  • Introduce the project work as a method that will be carried out in the next weeks. Clarify that new methods will be used (division of work, time planning, evaluation method).
  • Present the process of work based learning (Planning-researching-first draft-evaluation-submission)
  • The students will have the freedom to choose their project work by themselves (within the restrictions of the curriculum), but also that they will have more responsibilities for themselves as well.
  • Present handout “Phase model for meetings to introduce work”

Guidance once the activity is over

As a teacher/trainer you should keep an open ear and eye for your students. There may be insecurities regarding the new learning form, you have to address, even when the students do not articulate them. Since you are in the project process, your role will  be facilitating the project work and therefore be sensible concerning difficulties, conflicts and threads to a successful outcome.

Assessment of the Activity
